I create and make art.
I am an artist.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Paula has been interested and engaged in creating a variety of types of art beginning in grade school. At a young age her father would gather the kids around the kitchen table after dinner and let them paint using his collection of oil paints. She eventually inherited the box and various tubes of oil paints that it contained and treasured it for years. By middle school she was known for her artistic abilities and would consistently give up recess to stay in the classrooms and do the bulletin boards which often involved very large murals done with a very small box of pastels. High School thankfully brought actual art classes and she took as many as her schedule would allow, enjoying drawing, painting, pottery and jewelry. She was also a member of the Henrico County Art Guild, which consisted of a group of talented art students from throughout the county who had been recommended by their individual art teachers. After graduating from high school in 1975 she attended Virginia Commonwealth University, School of the Arts and graduated with a BFA.
Painting and art became a luxury Paula could no longer afford after her divorce and she put her love of them aside for many years. Even so she kept busy creatively between graphic design jobs and with her extremely talented young son, by providing opportunities for him and his classmates to do crafts and fun art projects when he was in grade school. Occasionally she had the time to do a painting often with her son contributing to a piece as well.
In 2019 Paula began painting regularly again. Life eventually led her to move from Virginia to the Charleston area and the beautiful low country in 2020. She finds it extremely fun and friendly, fresh, exciting and inspiring and is thankful every day that she took a leap of faith on a new life this late in hers!
I create and make art.
I am an artist.